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Wiz passes $500M ARR

Jan-Erik Asplund

TL;DR: Sacra estimates that Wiz hit $500M annual recurring revenue (ARR) in July 2024, up 103% YoY. After declining a $23B acquisition offer from Google and repositioning its product to directly go after Snyk, Palo Alto Networks and CrowdStrike, Wiz is now projecting it will cross $1B ARR before going public in 2025. For more, check out ourfull Wiz report and dataset.

Wiz passes $500M ARR chart 1Wiz passes $500M ARR chart 2

When we first covered Wiz, it had grown to $100M in annual recurring revenue (ARR) in 18 months on the back of its agentless scanner that plugs into your cloud (AWS, Azure, or Google) and monitors all potential attack surfaces.

As they approach $1B in ARR while growing 103% YoY, they’re now going multi-product with Wiz Cloud, Wiz Code, and Wiz Defend.

Key points via Sacra AI:

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