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What motivated Airplane to target one-off scripts as the entry point, how has this helped with adoption within organizations?

Ravi Parikh

Co-founder & CEO at Airplane

I think it was the right order of operations. The scripts aspect was really unique. It was something you could not do with any other platform. There’s one tool called Rundeck, owned by PagerDuty now, that is similar to what we do. But there's not another thing out there that does the exact same thing as Airplane. 

Even Rundeck is really meant for DevOps / SRE type workflows. It's not quite the same. It's a much older product, so it doesn't take advantage of a lot of really modern stuff, like serverless patterns, that make Airplane a lot simpler to set up. That unique hook was really appealing to people. 

Even if it wasn't a complete solution, it was a compelling hook. It drove a lot of interest, a lot of signups. For some companies, it did represent a big swath of their internal tooling and strong economic value. We did close a lot of our initial customers for whom this was a burning hot pain point. But we expanded our TAM significantly once we added Views.

Find this answer in Ravi Parikh, CEO of Airplane, on building an end-to-end internal tools platform
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