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What is the market problem that Fixable is addressing and what is the company doing specifically to solve that problem?

Dan Spinosa

Co-founder & CEO at Fixable

It started when I was taking on more projects at home during the early days of the pandemic. I was getting texts from friends—they're doing some backsplash tiling or putting in a fan, stuff like that—and they’re asking me how to do it because they expect I would know. 

All of us are Googling and going on YouTube, and we’re finding contradicting answers and videos that don't fully solve the problem because they don't quite match up. 

What I realized was that the tools just haven't kept pace. There's no way for me to just virtually talk to an expert who knows what we're doing, who can look at my specific problem, meet me where I am, and give me some answers.

Professionals like these skilled workers—they're becoming scarce, they're becoming expensive, they're not being replenished by the trade schools, and everything out there is designed to just try to physically bring them into your house. There's no virtual solution. 

That's what Fixable is. It's a managed marketplace, but we're connecting you—the homeowner or the business owner, the DIYer—with the right pro for your project. It’s a virtual consultation. It's all on your phone, text, pictures, video chat to help you with your specific project and then to give you all the tools to be successful there.

Find this answer in Q&A with Dan Spinosa and Drew Stanley from Fixable on building a managed marketplace for DIYers
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