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What impact has Covid-19 had on the demand for Forage's services in enabling EBT for online grocery shopping?

Justin Intal

Co-founder & CEO at Forage

For the most part, Forage has been operating during the pandemic. We started this company at the beginning of the pandemic, so what we’ve seen is massive tailwinds from the government. They’ve consistently been adding more grants and more dollars into the overall spend. For merchants and platforms, they’re prioritizing this as not just a revenue generator, or a way to get new customers, but as a social impact lens as well. One of the best highlights for us is knowing that these merchants and platforms are reaching Americans in need. The tailwinds are there in terms of online grocery shopping, government, and in terms of tech—this is a really important problem to solve.

Find this answer in Justin Intal, CEO of Forage, on helping online grocery platforms process EBT
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