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What are the critical factors that make this the right time for Fixable as a company to enter the market?

Dan Spinosa

Co-founder & CEO at Fixable

There's a handful of reasons. One is that people are working from home more. COVID has obviously accelerated that a ton. Another is that the labor market is tougher. It's tough to find people to get in your house. Lastly, technology has come a long way. Something like 20% of homeowners are digital natives, and yet the one store we still go to is Home Depot. This is something that it’s not obvious you can bring online, but you can.

On top of that, trade schools aren't pumping out as many professionals, and older ones are retiring because their bodies can only do it for so much longer. This gives them access to work from home, like the rest of us have.

A handful of things line up to make sense with us now, and it's somewhat surprising, but no one's doing it. No one's attacking the virtual side of this. It's clear to me that this will go virtual. We're not going to do everything online, and you’ll still have the one hardware store as the only place you have to go, but we'll be able to get you help. We'll be able to bring you the items. You can do the one-click shopping, and you'll be able to get all these projects done faster, at a tenth of the cost, and with higher quality because you have help from a pro.

Find this answer in Q&A with Dan Spinosa and Drew Stanley from Fixable on building a managed marketplace for DIYers
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