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In what specific verticals or industries is Fixable currently operating, and how did the company choose these areas as potential markets to pursue?

Dan Spinosa

Co-founder & CEO at Fixable

We're pre-launch, and at this point, we have a focus on the supply side, so we're talking with pros. We've onboarded about 50 since June, and they span all the trades. 

What's nice is a pro can handle lots of users. We've got HVAC, plumbing, electrical, construction, floors, you name it. They run the gamut.

On the go-to market side, we will be looking at particular verticals. Smart homes are a very interesting one. I've had lots of folks reach out to me because these things are supposed to be consumer approachable and easy to do, but when you open it up, lots of people say to themselves, "I don't know if I want to. Does this make sense? Can I do this? Am I going to burn the house down?" 

We're going to be looking at marketing and go-to-market on a handful of verticals, but with our pros, generally, the plan is now to cover almost all the bases.

Find this answer in Q&A with Dan Spinosa and Drew Stanley from Fixable on building a managed marketplace for DIYers
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