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How does Fixable ensure the reliability and safety of the service providers on its platform without compromising customer trust?

Dan Spinosa

Co-founder & CEO at Fixable

Our third co-founder, my brother, is a mechanical engineer. He's run overseas manufacturing, importing, and warehouses, so he knows that side—the physical world—forward and backward. He’s been on our professional ops onboarding these pros and vetting them, so it’s about talking and asking questions about previous projects and what they've done.

He'll be growing out a small team over there to keep the quality control really high because obviously, that's super important for so many reasons—not just that you want to have a good relationship with a person who knows what they're doing, but because your home is the biggest investment.

Find this answer in Q&A with Dan Spinosa and Drew Stanley from Fixable on building a managed marketplace for DIYers
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