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Will Jasper evolve into a stand-alone platform like Canva/Figma, or remain as a utility embedded across user workflows like Grammarly?

Dave Rogenmoser

Co-founder & CEO at Jasper

Historically, yeah, Jasper's been a web app where you log in, you write your content, and then you copy and paste it back out. That really is not an ideal experience. We want to be everywhere that you're writing content, so as we grow, people will use the web app less and less often. 

By and large, Jasper should already be inside your Facebook, or your Google Docs, and be helping you write—and an easy first step there is to have a Chrome extension that just kind of instantly supercharges any text you’re writing on the internet as long as you're using Chrome.

We also will have deep integrations into these other tools to the degree that they let us. We'd love to have a deep integration into Canva. We'd love to have a deep integration into HubSpot. We’d love to have a deep integration into Webflow and into these other different tools where you can just toggle Jasper on and use it really, really powerfully inside them.

The future state of Jasper is one where probably 95% of usage is happening inside of other apps or even on your phone.

Find this answer in Dave Rogenmoser, CEO and co-founder of Jasper, on the generative AI opportunity
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