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Will Docker's Product Led Growth model remain sustainable and effective in the long term?

Scott Johnston

CEO at Docker

Since then, we have added humans with the word sales on their badge, but even sales is predicated on this principle of, "Is the org consuming and getting value before there's a sales conversation?" 

The reason we started adding salespeople is because as organizations started to use Docker at scale, they started putting lots of seats on their credit cards—50, 100, 500. But once they started saying, "No, no, no. I want to buy 5,000 seats,"—well, that's hard to put on a credit card. We started then to have an inside salesperson who could pick up the phone, issue an invoice, and walk them through a purchasing process. 

How’s that different from the previous? 

First, it’s all inside-first.

Second, it is 100% consumption-based. The product is wired with telemetry so we can see consumption coming out of the different domains. If there is no consumption or the consumption isn’t above a certain threshold, sales isn’t allowed to talk to them. And when it does reach a certain threshold, typically they reach out to us first. Sales can then say, "Hey, I can see that you're using a lot of Docker. Are you able to scale? Are you getting the security you want? Are you getting the support that you need?”

It's a very, very qualified conversation and not, "What is Docker? What are containers? Do you know how to use Docker in your tooling?" 

There's none of that because customer's already using the product. That's very, very different from where we were prior to November 2019.

Find this answer in Scott Johnston, CEO of Docker, on growing from $11M to $135M ARR in 2 years
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