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Which customer segments or sectors have demonstrated early traction for Procol?

Gaurav Baheti

CEO of Procol

Retail and food FMCG were our primary targets when we had started. Because we were focused on agri commodities, we know we can deliver savings in agri commodities because our initial network of suppliers was building for agri commodities. So we also launched discovery as a clean-slate solution out of the box back then, but we realized that we wanted to do discovery at scale, so we stopped that solution for a bit and started building a digital solution presence first. So, retail and FMCG were our key customers where, in retail, we now have about 60% of India's largest retailers using Procol. In FMCG, we have a long way to go, but we now have a decent client list, some of the great logos also on our website, and case studies also. But these were the main segments that we were tackling when we started. Today, we are also present in manufacturing. We are scaling in not just these but many others also.

Find this answer in Gaurav Baheti, CEO of Procol, on bringing procurement online in India
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