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What is Procol's adoption process: start with a feature and expand, or adopt entire suite at once?

Gaurav Baheti

CEO of Procol

When we started, they started with one core feature that we had, which was negotiations. They saw direct bottom-line impact and continued using Procol for that feature largely. And now, because we are selling the entire thing, in sourcing, they look at changing their entire process from procure to pay. Now, it's not just about "Hey, why don't you start here?" Because we know that we can build a multi-month roadmap for them to deliver maximum value out of Procol. So we have taken that approach now, and that delivers faster turnarounds, higher tickets, and many, many higher value for customers and so on. And more honestly, our product has been evolving since then. As our product evolves more, I think we should be able to deliver much more value to our customers right out of the box, which pain point we're looking to solve for them.

Find this answer in Gaurav Baheti, CEO of Procol, on bringing procurement online in India
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