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What is Kraken's approach to advertising in North America, and how does it plan to raise awareness and attract customers?

David Ripley

CEO at Kraken

A number of our peers are doing a lot of marketing and this is true across crypto. Regardless of whether it's our direct or indirect peers, it's an incredibly fast-growing space and that just attracts a lot of new entrants. I think Kraken's been incredibly fortunate to have a really strong brand and an equally strong product set. We've driven fantastic client acquisitions just based on those. Our minimal marketing notwithstanding we see that Kraken has huge potential. 

However, we expect that we'll increasingly drive more and more activity externally for Kraken. We’ve recently added a new member, Mayur Gupta, Chief Marketing Officer for Kraken, to the leadership team and there are many fantastic initiatives and things that we expect to see in the near future.

Find this answer in David Ripley, COO of Kraken, on the future of cryptocurrency exchanges
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