What is Jasper's cost structure compared to foundational model companies like Midjourney, and what are the key components?

Dave Rogenmoser

Co-founder & CEO at Jasper

I don't actually know what the split would be from that compared to our own training, our own hosted models, and things like that—but again, it's going to be so different than Midjourney because they're actually doing a lot of the training themselves more than us.

I think of them as a layer one. We do a little bit of that, but mostly we're kind of layer two. We're saying, “Hey, we're going to sit on top of these things, use them, and then just build the product for the end user there.” Midjourney is more like an OpenAI in my mind.

Find this answer in Dave Rogenmoser, CEO and co-founder of Jasper, on the generative AI opportunity
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