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What are Zolve's current target customer segments in India, and how does it plan to evolve its segment focus over time as the company grows?

Raghunandan G

Founder & CEO at Zolve

We're looking at cross-border from India to the US, so there are students and working professionals. Once they go there, they need access to credit, and we solve for that. The next segment will be the diaspora -- people who are already there and have got families back in India. They are remitting money, they didn't open up NRI/NRO accounts in India, they have investments in India, and they pay taxes on both sides. So how do you facilitate all that? Then there’s the local population here that wants to invest in the US and other foreign markets.

This whole spectrum of things is what we are focusing on. Wherever the cross-border money movement happens, we want to be there. The way we're looking at it is that students will become working professionals, and working professionals will become part of the diaspora. So they become our brand ambassadors among the diaspora. Once the diaspora starts coming in, we start making all these things on the Indian side. Then these guys will become the influencers for us for the local population. This is how we are looking at it.

Find this answer in Raghunandan G, CEO of Zolve, on cross-border banking in India
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