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What are the key growth drivers for BaaS providers in the market?


BaaS business development executive

We don't really track interchange revenue that closely. I mean, we do, of course, but it's not our main revenue source. It's per user fees, monthly subscriptions.

So in theory, there's two types of growth for BaaS providers.

One is just the number of platforms using our service, so that 10 -15 K per month. But arguably there's only a finite number of companies in the US that can support that.

Two, there's the per user fees. So ultimately we want to see our platforms grow and become successful and provide them the support and infrastructure to do so, because let them do the hard work of customer acquisition, to be frank, and then we can then benefit and rise with them.

Find this answer in Business development executive at a BaaS platform on differentiation and competitive dynamics in BaaS
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