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Pros/cons of Teampay's workflow-centric approach vs’s network effect approach?

Andrew Hoag

Founder & CEO at Teampay

Strategically, we have this belief that if you control the workflow, you control everything that happens afterwards. That's absolutely what we're seeing. We didn't have an accounts payable product last year, we launched an accounts payable product this year. But we’re doing anywhere between one to two billion in purchase orders. Every purchase order becomes a bill and a bill payment. If you control the purchase order, now paying a bill is click and pay, because you've already coded it and already approved it. That transforms the process into a best in class process. For us, it's really important to control the workflow part of it. We believe the back office, the payments part, is heavily commoditized., Coupa, Concur — those companies have been around for fifteen to twenty years.

Find this answer in Andrew Hoag, CEO of Teampay on building expense management for the enterprise
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