Is Jasper an AI company or a sales/marketing company that happens to use AI?

Dave Rogenmoser

Co-founder & CEO at Jasper

We talk about it as just solving a problem. I didn't come into this thinking, "Oh, I really want to use AI." I'd seen AI, I'd seen GPT-3, and I thought, “Oh my gosh, that really solves a problem I know exists and that's 10 times better than the way that problem is being solved now.” 

We approach it as, "Hey, our customers have this problem where they need to write lots of great high quality content for their readers and they're overwhelmed and they don't have enough resources to do that—how can we solve that?"

Some of that you solve with great UX, some of it you solve with great workflows, some of it you solve with great integrations, some of it you solve with great AI. All of those combined roll up into hopefully being a solution that's better than anything else on the market.

Find this answer in Dave Rogenmoser, CEO and co-founder of Jasper, on the generative AI opportunity
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