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How does Retool guard against unwanted actions with respect to production data and databases?

Ronnie Caspers
Product at Lithic
Safety and security are first and foremost for Lithic because our business is handling other people’s money so we’ve employed a multi-layered approach.
The first layer is just access: who can use your applications? That’s access both to the application, but then to specific features within the application, so baseline view access for a user and then admin layers above them. Even within the same application, we have different layers of controls.
The second layer is a lot of fat finger protection. That’s just ensuring there are no accidents and making the command the user is about to perform very clear: so showing a preview of what it's going to do, lots of "Are you sure?" boxes, lots of input validation, and lots of other pretty obvious things.
Then we have deeper controls around implementing business logic. You could structure a command where everything is typed correctly and it makes sense, but for example, would it really make sense for you to set a customer spend limit to be $100B per month? We have processes in place to make sure this never happens.
So we systemize that logic and controls so that when a new user is using the tool, that guidance is there.