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How does Lithic's partner program simplify an end-to-end experience and enable rebundling opportunities compared to manual service integration?

Bo Jiang
Co-founder & CEO at Lithic
Ultimately, we’re all about removing customer friction. What we saw was, “Hey, customers wanting one thing, and we’re like-minded companies, so we can sort of come together.” Because a lot of the folks we work with have a similar mindset and are building modern solutions, it’s actually quite easy to make them interoperable.
I think this is Apple versus Android, if you will. You can have a super smooth Apple experience with the walled garden, but once you want some degree of configurability and modularity, you start to run into walls. We’re making a bet that open source effectively is going to win here. It would be hard not to say Apple has done really well with the walled garden approach, and I think there will be multiple winners here, but my take on the walled garden approach is it probably works better with consumers who have less of a need for configurability.