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How does Lithic balance short-term success with long-term sustainability in the competitive card issuing space?

Bo Jiang

Co-founder & CEO at Lithic

It’s an interesting dilemma, because there are real benefits to scale in this business. We’re seeing it year-over-year, just in terms of the obvious margin scale and COGS scale. But there are other non-financial and product things, too. There’s definitely a land grab dynamic.

The thing that we weigh is that, at the end of the day, we’re building infrastructure, and we need to build an enduring business. I think we’ve been reasonably thoughtful about that balance, because it does our customers no favors if we give away the product and go bankrupt tomorrow or in a year or something. It’s a fine balance.

I think what’s interesting is that the choice of processor is often so mission-critical that you have to be price competitive. But I think folks realize that going with the absolute value player may feel good in the short term, but in the long term, it means that you build a less robust offering and you spend more time on maintenance. So it’s not always just about the price dynamic, and that is very key in what we’re doing.

Find this answer in Bo Jiang, co-founder and CEO of Lithic, on the key primitives in card issuing
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