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Has the rise of remote work resulting from COVID-19 affected Teampay's product outlook?

Andrew Hoag

Founder & CEO at Teampay

COVID only accelerated it. It sped up our sales cycles and it's increased our software value. We saw that during the pandemic, that's continued. Companies now have two problems. One, especially as we're looking at the current macro environment, where is my money going? How do I trim the fat? Having control and visibility is more important than it has been. And two, how do I support an office that was thirty–five people, and is now thirty-five offices of one. That also creates a lot of complexity for the finance team. Then the talent shortage, how do you attract people? How do you retain them? 

One of our employees, his wife works at Oracle, and she filed her first procurement request. She had a thirty minute phone call, a ten page diagram, and after she filed her first procurement request, she still got it wrong. That is not a way to retain your people. We found that the employee-first mentality is actually great. We have employees who have actually recommended Teampay to their finance teams. All of this has been driven in this post-pandemic era with the changes in the workforce.

Find this answer in Andrew Hoag, CEO of Teampay on building expense management for the enterprise
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