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Can Mercury combine day-to-day banking services with a risk-mitigating G-SIB bank account, without actually using the larger bank?

Immad Akhund
Founder & CEO of Mercury
I sympathize with that need. It's a little tricky. It's ACH pulls. So we do let you connect your Plaid account and we do let you pull money from another bank account. Pieces of it exist. It's hard to make it a completely seamless experience because yeah, there's only so much we can do without being the bank itself, but yeah. It wouldn't be too bad. Depends what they want to be able to do with the other bank. If they want a fully transactional experience, I think that's pretty hard to deliver. If they're mostly using Mercury for their operational stuff and putting some of their money in as a backup thing, then I think that's not too bad to get right now.
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