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Will Anrok move into the e-commerce space and is the payment stack in e-commerce less complex compared to SaaS?

Michelle Valentine

Co-founder & CEO at Anrok

We specialize in SaaS because this is where we see the gap in the market. SaaS tends to be more complex because of the subscription model. If you think about a SaaS invoice, it can constantly change based on customer consumption, and this needs to be reflected instantly in sales tax calculation and reporting. Even if you're a company with seat-based pricing, there are refunds, true ups and probations that finance leaders need to deal with. It can look a lot like volumetric billing.

E-commerce doesn't have this complexity. You buy a pair of shoes, maybe you return the pair of shoes, but that's about it. The integration needs and reporting solutions tend to be relatively simple.

I think SaaS is a big opportunity on its own. We've built Anrok to be the enterprise-grade solution for SaaS where we can work with these constant changes to their modular finance system.

Find this answer in Michelle Valentine, co-founder and CEO of Anrok, on the modularization of the SaaS finance stack
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