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Why is it necessary to build a great individual email client first, to create a reliable team email client as Shortwave intends to do?

Jacob Wenger

Co-founder & CPO at Shortwave

We’re trying to build a team email client in the sense that each person on a team will bring their own personal account and have their own personal inbox. 

There are other classes of team email clients like Front, where you have a shared inbox, and you're trying to get everyone on board and share an email inbox. With a tool where you’re actually bringing your own email account, in order for you to make use of the team features that we have, things like channels and being able to replicate those features in email, we first have to download your email and make it so you're not overwhelmed with the number of notifications you're getting with your personal email. This is why we have a lot of individual email features. 

First, though, we need to focus on making sure that individuals who just bring their email can use us as a regular email client and can be successful at that.

Find this answer in Jacob Wenger, CPO at Shortwave, on building a standalone business on email
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