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Who is the primary user of Pinecone on the SaaS side and how does the platform enable them to build more sophisticated machine learning applications?

Edo Liberty
Founder & CEO at Pinecone
The answer is two different kinds of motions are happening simultaneously.
One, is there really is more talent out there. There is more demand than there is more talent. And so if you're hiring, it's still hard to hire. It's still very hard to find great machine learning engineers and machine learning platform engineers and so on. They're hard to find, but there are still a lot more of them. So machine learning engineer is the number three or four, I forget, I think maybe it's number four, fastest growing profession in 2022 based on a LinkedIn survey. And by the way, this isn't in tech, this is in general. Number one is vaccine specialist.
This is, in general, one of the fastest growing professions in the world. So yes, there's even more demand, so hiring is not easy, but the market is maturing. You'll see a lot more people who know how to operate this machinery in the market, and you'll see more of that every year going forward.
The second thing is that the ecosystem is maturing. The fact that something like Pinecone exists means that you don't have to build it. The fact that OpenAI opens the models as APIs means you can call an API. You don't have to train things, you don't have to collect data, you don't have to have people that know how to train machine learning models.
Both the bar is getting lower and the talent is getting higher. So a lot of companies, even if they don't feel like it's their forte or exactly the thing they need to throw, I don't know, 50 headcounts on, are oftentimes very delighted to figure out that with a relatively small amount of effort, they can get pretty far today. Because the tool chain has improved a lot. They can put together a few managed services, maybe with one or two people working for the quarter, they can already build some value to their own customers. Maybe they validated for themselves that this is really kick ass and they want to triple down on it, or maybe they don't and they build something else. But it becomes something a lot more accessible and available to a very large number of companies.