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Who is responsible for implementing Persefoni's product within a Fortune 100 company?

Ryan Miller

VP & GM of Private Markets at Persefoni

I'd separate it into two questions: there’s who was in charge, and there’s who will be in charge. 

When you look back, historically, carbon accounting generally sat in a sustainability office, sometimes labeled an ESG office. It was thought of as part of the broader ESG picture, the broader sustainability picture, which also meant that it was chronically underfunded as an area of focus. 

Now, with the regulatory changes and the compliance changes, but also with  this being something that can be value accretive, what we're increasingly seeing is that it's moving into the office of the CFO. 

When we think about carbon accounting in the future, it’s something that’s going to be managed in the office of the CFO. 

Will there be sustainability team members that are stakeholders? Absolutely.

Will there be procurement supply chain team members that are stakeholders? For sure, because it has huge implications for their strategic decision making.

Will it be something that the CEO, COO, and the board has visibility into? Absolutely, because, as I mentioned earlier, I think it will be a key metric of success. But who will have ultimate accountability for making sure it gets done? We're increasingly seeing that move to the office of the CFO.

Find this answer in Ryan Miller, VP & GM of Private Markets at Persefoni, on building an ERP for carbon
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