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What's Panther's current customer mix by company type and how will it trend?

Matt Redler

Co-founder & CEO at Panther

The old way of hiring globally—having to set up all this infrastructure yourself—makes no sense. It's a foreign, onerous process. It costs an arm and a leg, and it takes forever. It's intuitive for companies of all sizes to use a plug-and-play solution that does everything end to end, where they don't even need to think about location. You don't need to think, "Since this is Brazil, does that mean this new candidate needs to have a medical checkup at a doctor's appointment before starting payroll?" You don't need to think about whether, if you're in Germany, you need a translator to translate an employment agreement. It doesn't matter, it's just: "Maria was the best person for the job. We want to hire her." Panther handles all the tricky bits.

Find this answer in Matt Redler, co-founder and CEO of Panther, on building a modern employer of record
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