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What types of teams and projects are best suited for Jamstack, and are there scenarios where Jamstack may not be the best approach?

Cole Krumbholz

Founder at Formspree

I feel like Next.js is, in a way, the future of full stack development. When I started working on Next.js websites, I thought, "Oh, I get it. This is basically just like a full stack application." It can do everything I expect from a traditional MVC web framework. And it's packaging that along with the tooling and build process that you need to create an interactive front-end application. That to me is an easier workflow than separately managing the frontend and backend code, which is what we had to do in the past. It blurs the line, and unifies the dev experience. So I see Next.js as the evolution of full stack development.

I think Netlify is trying to solve a different problem. They're evolving the platform. Especially for content-heavy sites -- the kinds of stuff that you might have used WordPress for -- I think that's where the Netlify platform and tooling is helpful. 

It's a little hard to compare them because Netlify doesn't have a horse in the race of web frameworks. They've focused on improving the infrastructure and deployment experience regardless of your framework, even if you’re using Next.js. Vercel also has a platform, but I don't know how many people are deploying non-JavaScript or even non-Next.js applications to it. I could be wrong, but I feel like if I were to try and build something using a different static site generator than Next.js, I probably wouldn't try to deploy it on Vercel. But for Next.js it’s the way to go.

Find this answer in Cole Krumbholz, founder at Formspree, on the future of full-stack development
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