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What makes QuickNode stand out and be top of mind for blockchain developers specifically in terms of developer-centricity and fintech?

Auston Bunsen

Co-founder at QuickNode

You have your standard set of things—good docs, dev evangelists, etc.—but there's a slight difference in Web3, which is that most of the libraries are open source and provider-agnostic, so switching cost is almost nonexistent. 

I can go from Alchemy to Infura to QuickNode relatively quickly, unless I'm using one of their sort of custom APIs.

That goes to developer centricity, which is, developers that are Web2 focused are going to tend to want high-level APIs that just do the thing that they want. "I just want to know who owns the NFTs.” “I just want to know the wallet balance.” “I just want to know the token transfer date." Whereas, people that were in this space previously, grew up with the tech stack. They know that you can perform an ETH call and send parameters and it'll give the balance at a particular block or whatever it is.

The Web2 developers that are just getting started want those higher level APIs and that's where it starts to be a winning game. It's just a race at this point to see who can add more developer-friendly APIs the fastest.

Find this answer in Auston Bunsen, Co-Founder of QuickNode, on the infrastructure of multi-chain
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