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What made LevelUp stand out and what did Grubhub gain from acquiring them?

Hadi Rashid
Co-founder at Lunchbox
What LevelUp did really well at the time was they introduced that loyalty system saying, "Hey! This is what a loyalty system can look like. This is what it looked like. And this is what it can look like if you want to engage your guests." That was previously something that restaurants either had to build custom themselves or since there was no out-of-box solution at the time, use LevelUp’s services for it.
At the time, obviously, things weren't as competitive so we thought, "Wow! We found this answer to what could be something very beneficial to us as operators, marketers, and people that want to understand our guests better and have a better relationship with them."
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Hadi Rashid, co-founder of Lunchbox, on vertical SaaS for restaurants
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