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What is Vested's approach to balancing the one-off nature of most stock sale transactions with the costs of customer acquisition?

Dave Thornton

co-founder of Vested

This echoes my prior comment about how much we've automated. We've done a significant amount of systems building and technical support around not just deal flow but also customer acquisition in the first place. So if the question is how we balance it, we don't really. We reach out to all the folks who we think might actually need our help, which are the folks who have recently left the early and mid-stage companies that we know grant options and probably have a 90-day post-termination window. Our web application does a decent job educating them on what specifically we're doing and helping them structure a transaction. It's really not quite as bespoke for us as the question implies.

For the most part, when we're talking to folks, we're talking to them about contract questions and a little bit just to present a human face on the other side of their financing transaction, so they know we're people who can be dealt with and trusted. But we're not talking about two or three hours of human interaction for every deal we do.

Find this answer in Dave Thornton, co-founder of Vested, on unlocking startup employee equity
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