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What is the typical customer profile, and what use cases drive adoption of Vested's solution for the problem it aims to solve?

Dave Thornton

co-founder of Vested

Generally, startup employees tend to not make the best use of their equity grants, because they lack a combination of knowledge and capital. We're trying to solve both of those problems. 

On the knowledge front, we provide basic tools that help you think about your equity over its lifecycle. For example, we've got a fairness calculator that helps you figure out whether the equity part of your new job offer is market or, alternatively, if there are noneconomic terms that are worth negotiating. We've got an equity dashboard that helps us alert you to things that are going on with your equity that you might care about—for example, an FMV move, a preferred price move, news about your company or news about a competitive company. There's also an equity outcome simulator you can use to make plans for what potential exits mean for you. 

On the capital front, we're mostly helping to fund option exercises right now.

Find this answer in Dave Thornton, co-founder of Vested, on unlocking startup employee equity
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