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What is the market opportunity for Arrows in the customer onboarding space?

Daniel Zarick

Co-founder & CEO at Arrows

I was the second Product Manager at Twilio, and one of my big focuses was internal tools and other internal teams. I've always been very interested in supporting those sorts of users. I’d think a lot about “Who are the teams, internally, that just do not get enough resources or attention from their own product and engineering teams? Who are the ones grossly underserved yet high-impact to the success of a business?”

Early on, when we were building and testing different ideas which ultimately—through multiple iterations—became Arrows and the onboarding customer enablement tool it is now, we found that we really clicked with customer success teams. They tended to have similar worldviews, and they were very relationship- and customer outcome-driven. 

It also seemed like a key, underappreciated function of software companies. If you look around at success and onboarding as functions for any subscription company, a lot of the revenue is very back-weighted. These are the teams that decrease churn and increase expansion revenue, which actually helps customers get to the outcomes that they bought the product for. 

We saw that there were interesting business cases here and the sorts of problems that we liked solving.

Find this answer in Daniel Zarick, CEO of Arrows, on the problem with customer success platforms
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