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What is the importance of supporting crypto for Sila, given that its transaction volume is roughly split 50/50 between crypto and fiat?

Shamir Karkal

Co-founder & CEO at Sila

That number was a best guess. I'm not sure that it is necessarily right. It even gets hard to be fully consistent-- what is fintech and what is crypto at some point? We have a bunch of crypto customers whose backends look very fintech, and some fintech customers whose backends are becoming more crypto. It's like, which one do you classify where? But we have a lot of both.

Crypto is important because I think it's one vision of the future of finance. It's not necessarily the only vision, but it is a powerful and growing vision. There is a lot of activity happening and beginning to change. Just within the last 12 months, one of the biggest things we've seen is more and more fintechs who were "traditional fintechs" -- whatever that means -- who are now like, "Hey, I'm now interested in offering crypto capabilities." Whether it's very straight forward, like the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies or NFTs, or doing more smart contracts-- there's a lot of interest, for example, in doing financing through blockchain-based platforms and getting access to liquidity or providing liquidity and earning yield.

All of that is of huge interest because the traditional markets are large and way larger than anything in the crypto space. It's really hard to get access to that. If you're an early stage company in crypto, just go on a blockchain, plug into a smart contract, and there you go.

I don't know if I answered your question there, but I never really viewed fintech and crypto as two different worlds. That's like saying that banking and fintech are two different worlds. No, they're very different people and they solve problems in different ways, but honestly, they are solving the same problems. I think the same way about fintech and crypto: it's different people and different ways of solving problems, but actually many of the same problems.

Find this answer in Shamir Karkal, co-founder and CEO of Sila, on the modern payments stack
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