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What is the disruptive opportunity that Arrows is pursuing in the customer success function?

Daniel Zarick

Co-founder & CEO at Arrows

People are still learning how to bring success and onboarding into the customer journey. With things like the current transition to product-led growth (PLG), we are constantly changing how we build and offer software products. 

Customer success is still figuring out where it fits in within the organization. A lot of companies look at the front-end of the funnel as the place to create growth, and then the post-initial sale takes a backseat. 

However, a lot more companies are beginning to understand that a customer might start paying for 50 seats today, which feels like a small sale, but in three years they can grow to be paying for 1,000 seats. That, in part, comes from sales conversations, but mostly it’s driven by successful onboarding, enablement, and customer success functions.

Find this answer in Daniel Zarick, CEO of Arrows, on the problem with customer success platforms
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