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What is Persefoni's vision for the company and the world five years from now, assuming everything goes as planned?

Ryan Miller

VP & GM of Private Markets at Persefoni

It's a fun thought experiment. I've been at Persefoni for six months, and the company has tripled in size. In some ways, it's hard to imagine five months, let alone five years. 

But if we look out into the world five years from now and look at the number of companies calculating their carbon footprint on at least an annual basis, that number is in the tens or hundreds of thousands globally. We see Persefoni as the platform enabling that.

Then the question becomes, what do you do from there that helps the world, that helps us address the climate change crisis, and also is a really strong business model? What are the things that complement that core carbon accounting? That could be climate change strategy, it could be decarbonization reduction initiatives, and it could be other emerging topics that are coming up that are important societally. At the core of that, however, is taking this carbon accounting and scaling it up to where it needs to be if we're going to address the crisis.

Find this answer in Ryan Miller, VP & GM of Private Markets at Persefoni, on building an ERP for carbon
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