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What is Deel's strategy for delivering consumer services to increase customer loyalty, and have contractors acted as a source of referral?

Dan Westgarth

COO at Deel

Dan: I think for the stage of the organization we're in, we're just laser focused on acquisition and growth. The retention and expansion have actually been natural. In the company manifesto and principles, the number two principle we have at Deel is "care." That extends to our own team and to our customers. Care creates retention: really care about the customer and go that extra mile on every single communication, that creates retention naturally. It's a little bit different from a B2C business. I think it's only relevant in B2B, but you really have to go the extra mile to care.

I think later on we will put more effort into retention, expansion and activation, but today it hasn't been a key problem. We've had a really good inbound funnel and seen this happen naturally, with very low churn rates.

And I've seen it quite a few times. I love those cases. When I see a case pop up where the customer has taken us to the next employer, I love it.

Find this answer in Dan Westgarth, COO of Deel, on the global payroll opportunity
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