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What factors contribute to the fragmentation of HR and payroll ecosystems?

Jeremy Zhang

Co-founder & CEO at Finch

Payroll originally grew out of a pen-and-paper model, which means that it's hyper local and also very specialized into specific industries. 

Also, it's a very sticky business model. Therefore, you can verticalize it. Instead of having to take over the whole market to be able to build a big business, you can build payroll and get 100 customers, then sell and cross-sell a lot of other products on it and build a very successful business. 

Secondly, there is some form of consolidation at the business level—ADP has bought a lot of these companies—but that doesn't mean that there’s consolidation at the systems level. Underneath ADP, you have 17 different types of payroll systems and 17 different connections.

Find this answer in Jeremy Zhang, CEO of Finch, on building a universal API for employment systems
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