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What does Sila's customer base look like in terms of startups vs. larger companies and fintech players vs. those just embedding money movement?

Shamir Karkal

Co-founder & CEO at Sila

We see all of those. We have a hundred plus customers now. Across those, there are probably 25 different use cases. But even when you say use cases, it's like industries versus use cases. We have four customers that I can think of off the top of my head in real estate. Yet none of them is doing the same thing. In fact, we've introduced some of them, and they might end up partnering with each other. You look at real estate, you're like, "That's a multi-trillion dollar industry." Of course, there are a hundred different sub-sectors of that, each of them billions in size. So how much space? There could be a thousand real estate startups in the US. There probably already are. They're doing everything from rent payments, to NFTs for land, to mezzanine debt in commercial real estate. And that's just scratching the surface.

We don't have that many traditional neobank customers, but we have pretty much a little bit of everything. As I said, if you looked at numbers, I'd say probably 70/30 fintech/crypto. If you looked at volumes, it's probably more like 50/50 or 60/40. But that changes pretty rapidly, because new customers, they'll sign up, and then six months later, they're growing explosively. It's like, "Hey, okay." That's all good.

Find this answer in Shamir Karkal, co-founder and CEO of Sila, on the modern payments stack
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