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What customer segments does Pidge currently serve and where is the concentration, and how do they anticipate this changing as the company evolves?

Ratnesh Verma

Founder & CEO at Pidge

We deliver for high value GMV segment, white-labeled dining segment, ecommerce segment largely focused on the long tail and the direct-to-consumer segments.

We recognise that 100X will largely be delivered through the e-commerce segment (both horizontal head and long tail). We expect this to contribute over 85% volume. The High GMV segments at that scale will be less 5% in volume but will contribute over 15% in Revenue. Our unique omni-category fulfillment allows us to build yield at the top of the pyramid and productivity at the bottom of the pyramid.

Find this answer in Ratnesh Verma, CEO of Pidge, on on-demand delivery logistics in India
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