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What changes and emerging technologies have influenced the quality and quantity of projects on the supply side of Patch's carbon offset marketplace?

Brennan Spellacy

Co-founder & CEO at Patch

We're really in a Renaissance of project quality. A lot of the really promising projects on the Patch platform are still in the early stages of development, whether it's sequestering carbon in cement or kelp and sinking that kelp to the bottom of the ocean, there's all these different pathways to permanently storing carbon dioxide for a thousand plus years that have all come online in the last three or four years. There's a huge amount of momentum heading truly in the right direction.

With technologies that are a bit more proven—primarily those related to forestry, whether it's reforestation or afforestation—we're seeing them get enhanced. With forestry in particular, that’s through improving the monitoring and evaluation of forestry ecosystems to ensure they're on the right track and we're claiming as many credits as we ought to be for that particular project. 

Overall, there’s a huge push towards quality. That’s both through developing new chemical pathways, and enhancing or repairing some of the historical blemishes of old pathways that required a bit of extra love.

Find this answer in Brennan Spellacy, CEO of Patch, on the API layer of the carbon stack
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