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What are the predominant trends or demographics for people buying FWB or joining the community?

Raihan Anwar
Co-founder at Friends with Benefits
Raihan: I'm going to nip this in the bud because it's something that has irked me a bit. Ethereum is not cheap, and I think entrance into FWB over the last couple of months has definitely been out of reach for a lot of folks. Our demographic does skew a little crypto native -- people who are able to, for example, purchase Ethereum at like $100 or $300. For them, it's not a hit in the pocket. That's one huge group of people in the community. Another cohort of people who’ve entered are Web3 business folks or people interested in Web3 on the business side.
Those can be relatively stagnant pools. Again, that's part of our deployment of seasons and part of our deployment of scholarships and fellowships that we just rolled out on a vote yesterday. We really want to make sure there’s a positive tension in the community of people who are trying to learn about how Web3 interfaces with the creative practice and how Web3 interfaces with the business practice. So while there are trends, we hope to stay on our feet at all times.