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What are the key services that companies can provide to help creators in the creator economy market move up the income curve?


Creator economy marketer and co-founder

Guest: The challenge some creators face is they're also working full-time jobs. In many of these cases, they create on the side. So their time is still the most limited resource. So what those people are looking for is the ability to monetize content that they've already created. And then they're trying to find ways to build their audience as quickly as possible with as little time as possible.

That is how they'll be able to get into the next upper classes through better monetization, through a bigger audience. In my view, one of the biggest gaps right now is the ability for content creators to take content that they've created in one format and remix it and republish it into a different format.

So an example of that would be the Joe Rogan podcast. His medium is the podcast, but he also has someone on his team who will cut up parts of his three-hour-long interviews into these 5 or 10-minute segments on YouTube, then distribute those segments on YouTube as a way to build the audience there. 

It’s a time-consuming process for indie creators without a team to do. So one of the big gaps that I see is how do you get someone whose main content format is X and provide them tools that will help them to remix that content from form X into format Y and Z. Because that is how they can stretch their time and build an audience in this new channel that will lead to synergies of being able to direct multiple audiences to each other, as well as to these platforms that they're able to monetize more readily.

Yeah. So you're talking about the additional support. The creators do not quit their full-time job. They still do it on the side, but just to have this additional support from, I think it is. Yeah. So I think that, um, I think if they had the ability, to grow an audience at a faster rate or to monetize more readily, they would have the optionality to leave their full-time jobs.

But the biggest challenge right now, and the reality for them right now is while they're still working a full-time job, they just simply cannot compete in terms of content like production or content distribution. With these people who have already achieved this, like upper-class time to end creating status who can spend their full time and creative energy, uh, on doing what they're doing.

Through the emergence of substack and other things like that, it feels like, finally, it is a common thing for people to charge directly for their writing. That's not easy online before. So I think we're still, people are still figuring out. Exactly how they monetize that directly.

Then over time, we'll start to see, like, once people have a strong grasp of that, how they might go about following a playbook of, let's say a more established like media publication to, uh, to generate more revenue beyond just, um, just through the writing that they're delivering.

Find this answer in Creator economy marketer and co-founder on building a sustainable business online
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