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What are the key characteristics that a BaaS platform looks for in an ideal customer profile?


Former Galileo executive

Guest: Well, the main things they're going to be looking for are company stability. Making sure that they've got funding that's going to allow them to launch and get their program up and going. The next is the leadership of the company, making sure that the company leadership has experience in doing something like this, right? If it's someone who's been, I don't know, if it's someone who's been fixing bikes forever, and then they want to turn around and offer financial products, they're probably not going to be very successful at that. They might, but someone who's already been involved in financial services is going to be more successful. So they're going to look for that leadership. And then the next thing they're going to look for is how are they going to get their customers? How are they actually going to get customers? What's different that's going to make them successful over somebody else? And so those are probably the main things that they're looking for. There's going to be others. But those from the top of my head, I would think are the ones.

Find this answer in Former Galileo executive on differentiation and scalability in the BaaS market
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