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What are the current trends in slide creation, distribution and consumption?

Brendan Weitz

Co-founder & CBO at Journey

I read that there are somewhere between 30 to 50 million PDF slide decks sent every day in Gmail. Sending links in an email is still the standard way that 95% of people are doing things.

DocSend was the first one to bring everything into one link. You’re now seeing a lot of the newer slide tools, like Pitch, growing by offering enhancements on top of the slide experience. I don't know if it's necessarily a replacement, but folks are bringing in various complementary tools to tell the story, like Notion documents, Coda documents, Loom videos, Airtable bases. 

The general trend we’re seeing is that simple slides are not the best way for everyone to tell their story. We're just starting to see, especially with founders in the fundraising process, people using whatever type of content they feel is best to tell their story.

Find this answer in Brendan Weitz, co-founder of Journey, on building the Webflow for sales
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