Was labor arbitrage an important factor in the initial growth of Copy.ai, with some early users reselling content generated from Copy.ai on Upwork?

Chris Lu

Co-founder at Copy.ai

It’s possible, but I wouldn’t say it was an important part of the growth. Basically, people came to us with a need: they needed to write something, and they had deadlines.

We would help them create something really good. Market demand was stronger in other countries or with people whose writing capabilities are a little worse, who don't speak English as their native language, and people who otherwise really needed that extra help.

That being said, a lot of people in the United States use Copy.ai as well. We have a case study with Airtable who use it for brainstorming. For a lot of these companies, the amount of copy they need to write is insane. It's literally just never-ending, so being able to have something that can really just produce new ideas in one-click helps so much.

Find this answer in Chris Lu, co-founder of Copy.ai, on the future of generative AI
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