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To what extent is BaaS a scalable model?


Former Galileo executive

Guest: It's got a lot of potential for scalability, especially because they can aggregate banks, right? They can easily have multiple banks in the queue. And from a processor perspective, the processors should be able to scale with the BaaS player. So I would think, knowing Galileo, knowing i2c, I know that both of those platforms can scale to keep up with any of the BaaS players, but from the other side of it then is the bank side. And they can easily start up relationships with additional banks to help scale if they need to do that. And that would be the other aspect of the scalability on that. From a network perspective, it's either MasterCard or Visa, maybe Discover plays in there as well. But from a scalability perspective there, they're going to scale. Onboarding may not scale quite as good, but for the most part, they're a big company. So if they need to get more resources then they can add more resources to help from that perspective.

Find this answer in Former Galileo executive on differentiation and scalability in the BaaS market
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