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How does Vercel differ from Heroku's approach to supporting multiple languages, and what lessons can be learned from Heroku's history.


Jamstack agency founder

I'm not really speaking from expertise here, but there's certainly this major paradigm shift with Vercel, whether you're working with Next.js or any other technology, which is that it's going to be deployed serverlessly. That changes your programming model, and everything extends from there in terms of how you're going to design your system.

That's a big shift from the Heroku model, for sure. Whether it's with Rails or JavaScript or any technology that you're deploying to Vercel, you're going to be thinking about how you're interacting with your so-called backend differently. You're going to be thinking about short executions, stateless as opposed to long running processes.

Find this answer in Jamstack agency founder on the rise of Next.js and Vercel
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