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How does Roster's positioning compare to that of Looker, Tableau, and other BI tools, and what are some limitations of those BI tools?

Nancy Dong

Founder & CEO of Roster

Roster is complementary to those traditional BI tools. Taking a sales use case, a BI tool may tell you how your quarter will end. Are you going to meet revenue targets? Here's some high-level business metrics. Whereas Roster would come in and analyze, tactically, how you fix something if it's not going the direction that you want. A BI tool will be like, ‘this is red.’ But Roster would be like, ‘How do we make this red a green? Let's talk about action.’ 

It’s addressing the specificity or double-click into actions, so companies can actually influence change instead of just reading out more high-level cuts of data.

The reason this hasn't existed or been built into BI tools is because the internal teams that typically build these views and are tasked with maintaining them don't have the operational context. The data analyst is not the one running the business. For a ramp time analysis, you need more business context to understand the mechanics of when a bunch of new hire classes started on Monday and they need to be ramped by month three, what they should be doing in order to get to that ramped state at month three, and what are leading indicators to show if that’s at-risk at month one.

Find this answer in Nancy Dong, CEO of Roster, on the rise of ops-centric tooling
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