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How does Rize utilize partnering with point solutions to provide interconnectivity between different building blocks in finance?

Justin Howell

Co-founder & CEO at Rize

That's right. I think the difference between our world and the world of, say, AWS is that AWS owns the entire stack down to the studs. In the financial world, that actually doesn't make a lot of sense, because it's so regulated. Being best in class at something like KYC/AML, like Alloy,  is a massive multi-billion dollar business in and of itself. Being best in class at being a custodial bank partner is a job in and of itself. Being best in class at being a brokerage custodian, like a DriveWealth or an Alpaca, is another job in and of itself. I think it'd be foolish in this space to try to do all of those things extraordinarily well, when you've got folks who are just focused on that particular area. They're always going to be better at that.

But you end up with an ecosystem of different point solutions who are good at certain different things but haven't really thought about themselves as an ecosystem before. 

Find this answer in Justin Howell, co-founder and CEO of Rize, on the horizontal infrastructure missing from fintech today
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